Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

It's another year,  2015.  What will it bring to me or what will I take from it?  Last year was certainly a surprise and shows me why I shouldn't bother making resolutions.  Did I lose weight, or get fit?  No, but I did things that I didn't think would happen for a couple more years.

I retired.
I went to Italy for 26 days.
I drove to Eugene, the Columbia Gorge and Yakima Valley.  By myself.
I drove to Richland, Walla Walla, back to Yakima and up through the Yakima River Canyon.  Again, alone.

What will surprise me this year?

1 comment:

  1. Olá Gina!
    Desejo que você continue sendo feliz e nos surpreendendo com suas peripécias, por muitos e muitos anos!
    A sua história no palco da vida ainda nos reserva muitas e excelentes surpresas, que ainda voltarei aqui para lê-las!
    Um forte abraço e bom início de ano!

    VitorNani/Hang Gliding Paradise
